Friday, February 11, 2011

Thank Email For Interview

In the bizarre policies in recent weeks, there is this lawsuit in the floor. The guy who read the final results of the first line for all TVs and radios, is being sued by three former candidates who still want to see the elections completely canceled. One could imagine that this is their last attempt. Thinking too simple ... Here is the argument of those who pull the messenger before the floor. Results to be official, must be viewed under xyz section of the electoral law. In fact, this critic has read the results that were not posted, so results were not official. So we brought this thug to force prosecutors yesterday for questioning. He claims of course have read the results that his bosses had asked the PRC to read, nothing more. It should come back on Monday before the floor with the famous document read on the air to confirm that this document is an official document of the PRC. It will also demonstrate that his bosses he have clearly asked to do the reading public. In the dialectic of hypertrophied ayisien when it comes to, or, in the constitution or any law, this one is one of the most funny. Probably we all are ayisien lawyers, dialecticians grass at least.


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