A French under / Contribution activist
Warned by the press, commercials and messages municipal, you can not ignore that we are in census period.
Or, after all it is a small friendly census. It reminds school: France, 550 000 km2 and 50 million (so far away ...).
Exactly, it's far when the French population was still easy to "analyze". Today, the parameters have changed, as national actors, massive immigration is been there!
Demographers and sociologists recognized (Gourevitch, Tribalat ...) Yet we have long been alerted to the lack or refusal to provide statistics to the study of "ethnic" (the term can be improved, the deficit is ...). No progress in this field as time Press (an optional declaration on its ethnic classification [West African, North African, Asian ...] had been an acceptable beginning and not "stigmatizing" ...)
Our census occult knowingly opportunities to reverse the United States, Canada or Great Britain among others, and this more as a marketing questionnaire kitchen or a car salesman, as the basis for serious study of a population that has evolved like no other in Europe, reaching more than brésilinisation which it would be wise to anticipate the socio-cultural effects.
We decided for our part, in any act as an activist citizen, to refuse to fill out the at risk of a town hall meeting and a fine of 38 €!
The irony in this case may lie in what Ms. Rivka Bercovici-Martine, Director Corporate Services of the City of Paris in the letter from our refusal " I'm sure you understand all the interest in participating in this nationwide operation, which is essential to properly prepare the future of your city and country (...) The information collected is confidential and intended INSEE statistics which transforms them into "
Well, dear lady, this pretty farce will be played without us.
As to these valuable statistics and incomplete, they will be, once again, proof that France does not want to confront continuing to believe that the differences originate and multiculturalism not intended to analyze or to debate , law of the land on which cut short a long time.
So what will be our modest defection against the exuberant fertility of the country: not a drop poured into a vase, a lost voice in the wilderness, without provocation next?
Just under a French ...
[G. Larochelle / Photo: Point DR]
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