The question arises . And rather urgent these days. Can be without? Can you be without? More modern version of the old maxim Molieresque:
"Must eat to live or live to eat?"
We approach Christmas, the feast of a thousand contradictions. Much happiness in the eyes of children, hope in the masses say, so much generosity in donating, so many lights, luxury, gifts, attention, promises.
But too much waste, orgy of consumption, wealth unpacking indecent. Vanity commercialism so forgetful and the true values of the party.
And by a relentless contrast, all the misery of the world that is even more enhanced, as flint flakes from the road are suddenly rendered terribly sharp by rain in the morning.
Tons of food, heaps of delicacies, stuffed turkeys, fowls of toast, lobster and seafood, mountains of chocolates, and behind the windows, always Little Match Girl shaking, small chimney sweeps who die of hunger and cold.
temptations in profusion in shop windows sparkling like showers of sparks, orders compelling advertising: "Do not wait, you could buy your car before Dec. 31!" and to these windows, people who have no money to buy a pair of shoes ...
Historically, this contradiction is choking a bit at Christmas, as an edge that's hard to pass. J then swallow the bread, I drink a big blow and I 'm still fun, because there are children, stars, tree, magic ... the family holidays, games society, chimney fires, vapor flowing over the glass when it feels so good inside, and it is so cold outside ...
was in vain, we all have that little voice that annoys us, titillates us, requiring us to sing, to cry loudly so as not to hear. This little voice called guilt. Who among us has never heard?
Then come to our rescue good conscience. There is every good reason to forget our shame and enjoy our happiness. And they are right, somewhere. We worked hard, we won our crust by the sweat of the brow (with or without air conditioning) has been given to the poor, was given a telethon, AIDS, the disabled, the restaurants of the heart, it deserves to make a little celebration, spoiling children, make a few reunions.
But still, small voice is always there. She continues her throbbing ostinato, mute, and emerges from time to time to remind us of the urgency of being, rather than having ... Me, today, passing through the illuminated boulevards my city wrapped in its glitter in the aroma of perfume and chic hot pancakes, I met a homeless man whose eyes got frozen because it no longer expressed any sentiment neither fear nor hatred, nor even resignation. Just nothing. The full vacuum. As deserted by his humanity.
Well now, that's done, I wanted to write this post early enough to do not too much you plumb the atmosphere. Sorry, it was so ...
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