Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Normal Male Triglycerides

Street Myrha ... The Frontists are here! Tract

Pseudo-controversy concerning "occupation" streets by Muslims in prayer requires, Nicolas D. has fully assumed its responsibilities on Sunday, 18 FN secretary e district. Not only in concocting a tract of common sense on the obstruction of freedom of movement formed by these prayers in the open, but mainly by distributing this flyer in mailboxes 500 ... street Myrha!

Such shipment will obviously not improvising, activists called for the event have come together to provide different scenarios: verbal aggression, physical threats, taken into "spinning" by suspicious individuals, etc..
With a composition of teams and set a tempo like clockwork, the operation went off without a hassle other than drifting snow, and cold feet for some ...

But we no doubt: for Nicolas as for his comrades, he was not to "please" or "a coup". The main purpose was clearly to demonstrate the latest French citizens living in the neighborhood they are not abandoned to their fate . For with his arms, the Front National de Paris is fighting for them and whatever happens, they maintain unwavering support.

Thanks to Nico and Nico-girls-boys (Aurelia, Celine, Marc, Francis, Alexander and others).

[FV / Photos: FN 75]


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