Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Under The Water Henati


December 26 is for most people the opportunity to recover from two days of celebration and tasting with food of all kinds. But activists Parisians are not quite like other people ...

If he was obviously no question of mobilizing all the troops this Christmas, however, it was decided to conduct a field action a minimum: a shadow box to 2.
willing victims of this desire not to miss a weekend without operation activist, Cyril Bozonnet - former head of Propaganda - was good enough to accompany his successor in this output.

However, none of the two boroughs of belonging of the 2 guys has been chosen as the playground, since these are the streets near the Forum - the Paris headquarters of the federation - which have benefited from the transaction ... To the great satisfaction of the officer, 13 th district, who will win without probably few members with this shadow box.

Each offers gifts that can ...

[François VIAL]


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