The Painter and the Emperor
Monday, May 25, 2009
Mobile Data How Much Is 1mb
Confucius quotes meditating
The greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising to each fall.
The real fault is that it does not correct.
Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life.
Choose a job you love and you will not have to work a day in your life.
Those who do not progress every day, every day retreats.
Apply to keep everything in balance.
Experience is a lantern that is worn on the back and that never shines the path.
The joy is in everything. The question is out.
If you meet a good man, trying to be like him. If you meet a man poor, seeks his faults in yourself. He who plants the virtue must not forget to water it often.
I can not who does not ask questions.
The sage is ashamed of his faults, but is not ashamed to mend Not too isolated, not too many relationships and the balance, that is wisdom.
The archer has a common point with the good man: when his arrow does not reach the center of the target, he seeks the cause itself.
Under good governance, poverty is a disgrace, under a bad government, wealth is also a shame.
Under good governance, poverty is a disgrace, under a bad government, wealth is also a shame.
Act with kindness, but do not expect no recognition.
When banging your head against a pot and it sounds hollow, it is not necessarily the pot is empty.
Neglect and you lose. Seek and ye shall find. But search does not lead to find that if we seek what is within us.
Nothing is without consequence, therefore, nothing is ever free.
No stone can not be polished without friction, no man can complete experience without trial.
one who loves to learn is very close knowledge.
Nature makes men alike, life makes them different.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
should never think of the distance, whatever it is that separates us from virtue.

Do not worry about not being noticed and focus more on doing something remarkable. Do not worry about being unemployed ; Worry you tend to be worthy of a job.
Silence is a friend who never betrays.
Rather than curse the darkness, light a candle, so small it is.
You do not know how to serve men. How would you serve the gods?
One can know a man's virtue by observing their defects.
Our greatest glory is not falling, but how we face every time we fall.
- broadcast for the first time on the site "
The cozy little world of HC
" May 22, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Pinky And Pointer Mena
Taoism and Zen
by Yeiazel
The Host of the Cave

- traveler in this floating world, rather than shorten your life with the fire of drink, why not extend it with the nectar of the Tao?
Lu Yen remained pensive for a moment. The Taoist took the opportunity to order the landlord of two bowls soup. The young man finally replied:
- I do not feel ready to join the mountains of the immortals. The reputation of my family is in. I'm going back to school hard to get a post of honor.
The follower of the Way drank greedily some long pasta floating in the bowl, wiped his beard back of his hand and said:
- Reputation and dishonor, and earnings losses are inherent in the mortal realm. Only those who can see beyond these illusions can be overcome. When you're ready, come find me. I Choungli Chouan name, the Hermit of the House of Clouds. You'll find me at the peak of the crane.
The Taoist ends noisily his bowl, resting on the table and went out of his bag he offered a cushion to Lu Yen as a farewell gift.
On the way back, the young scholar went to sleep one night under the stars, her head wedged onto the cushion that had given him the hermit. He dreamed he was brilliantly received assistance from Mandarin and obtained a position at the imperial palace. He married a lady companion of the Empress, as ravishing as cultivated. He had many children. At the birth of her first grand-son, he was appointed minister. It soon became the favorite of the emperor. He was about to be appointed prime minister when jealous colleagues accused him of treason. The plot was so contrived, with false testimony in support, he was arrested with his entire family. The award Imperial fell.
All males of the clan were sentenced to death ...
Then Lu Yen opened his eyes on the pillow soaked with sweat. Disillusioned by the vanity of this world, he went to say goodbye to his parents and took the road to the peak of the crane.
Choungli Chouan the hermit meek, was not surprised to see Lu Yen near his cabin nestled among the tall rocks.
- Then, one night, you lived your whole life of a courtier! You went after your dream!
- so you know all of my nightmares?
- Eh eh, do not you did on my headrest? ... But tell me, you really know what you came for here, you, the scholar?
- In this changing world nothing can enter. Success breeds jealousy, honor infamy. I realized that I was a pilgrim in this illusory realm, an exile looking for his original homeland.
The sage shook his sinister in mane and roared these words:
- Bravo! You're on the Way! Now you will be called Tong Lu Pin, Host of the Cave!
Then the Taoist his student seated on his mat and gave him the basics needed to learn to discipline his mind and harmonize the internal breath. After years of intensive practice of Chi Kong, the Hermit of the Clouds House told his disciple:
- You know enough now. Go back where you came from, will face the spectacle of the world while working our subtle art. Do not let the trials of life lose your mind. When you're ready, I'll come get you to teach you the ultimate secret.
When Lu Pin Tong returned to the family home, he learned that his father had left this world a month earlier and that his mother was dying. The heart full of sorrow, he hurried to his bedside. He managed to contain his tears and his sentence transmogrified into a powerful force of compassion that allowed him to guide the soul of his mother his flight to the Islands of the Immortals.
Upon returning from the funeral of his mother, Lu Tung Pin wished, as it was customary to distribute money to the poor. A beggar to whom he gave a few coins, instead of thanking him, spat in his face a flood of insults, accusing him of not giving enough. The first reflex of the Taoist, annoyed, was to continue his journey but he retraced his steps, bowed to the poor beggar and gave him the rest of his purse.
Back home, Pin Lu Tong was visited by a childhood friend whom he had once been deeply in love. She was even more beautiful than in her childhood memories. The young Taoist was shocked to see her. She asked him hospitality as it had come from afar for the funeral of his mother. Over dinner, she told him that her parents were married to a high dignitary, she had two children. Then she wept, bemoaned his fate. Her husband abandoned, he had three concubines. They had never liked anyway. And she declared that his only love was Lu Tung Pin, she wanted to elope with him. She threatened to commit suicide if he did not take him into the mountains with him. Then she made her soft eyes, held her remarks troubling and after a few swigs of alcohol, lay uncovered before him and offered him her body jade. The switch almost ascetic in the intoxication of the senses but, reluctantly, he vigorously rejected this beautiful tears, reproached him for being a woman without honor and an unfit mother. It made him promise to stay with her children until they marry. He told her then if she still wished she could join him to walk with him on the Way of Tao. The next day at dawn, she left the house.
He left his bag a brush, ink, and began to paint a yellow crane on the wall of the room. He then turned to the keeper with a smile and asked him to sing a song. At the first notes of the melody, under the incredulous eyes of customers, the bird stood out from the wall. He took off and hovered over the tables. The song ended, the yellow crane came back pressed against the wall. Galloped on the new paths of the Middle Kingdom. People came from afar to admire the miracle, even in the capital. They say that the Son of Heaven himself also made a visit to see for himself the magical dance of the yellow crane. The hostel was always full and enriched its owner without losing his generous nature. He knew how to benefit the poor and vagrants in the area. Thirty years went by. Lu Tung Pin stopped one day at the hostel. The boss was sitting at a table, his head resting on worries responsible for his fists. The Wanderer questioned. The innkeeper sighed and replied:
Master Lu whispered something tight and the bird fell off the wall. The wise and straddled they flew through the window before disappearing into the shimmering mist of the mountains.
The innkeeper had built near his tavern Pagoda of Yellow Crane in memory of Lu Tung Pin, Host of the Cave. He had engraved at the entrance to the sanctuary this poem:

The bird disappeared into the clouds
The dragon could not grasp
Infinite Sadness Mountain
Even today, many pilgrims come to pray to the Taoist scholar, part of the Gang of Eight Immortals. They are the patron saints of China, the compassionate divine madmen who have abandoned the untold pleasures of the Heavenly Palace to watch over us poor mortals. And for those who can see, it is not uncommon to recognize the guise of a lame ragged, a farmer down on his ass, a martial arts master debonair, d a doctor of the poor, a wandering musician or showy big heart.
- broadcast for the first time on the website "The little cozy world
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Age Of Empires 2.0a Forum No Cd
The Host of the Cave
Taoism and Zen by Yeiazel
Prince of Chao had a boundless passion for the chariot race. He had for years been taking lessons with his coachman, who was a renowned master. But whenever the prince ran against it, he came last, even if he had taken his team to the best horses of his stables. One day he was again beaten before all his assembled court, the Lord came down furious from his chariot and said to his coachman
- I've offered brocade gowns, gems, jades of inestimable value in exchange for your services. But you, ungrateful, you have not yet learned all your secrets!
- Sir, just can not buy. I can sell you the Tao of horses.
- What do you mean?
- A good check is to empty the mind to unite with the breath of his horses. When you're ahead, you're afraid that I will ahead. When you're behind me, you think only overtake. Your mind is always focused on me. How do you then become one with your horse, be in harmony with the Tao?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
South Park Chracacter Wwe
Tao horses
Taoism and Zen
Mong Souen The prince was out hunting with some courtiers. They traquèrent a doe with her fawn. The hunters would catch up when at the last moment, their mother escaped by jumping over a muddy creek, and she bolted into the bushes. Her little hesitated to follow. The prince, impetuous, sprang like a tiger on the fawn and managed to capture him. He confided, not without hiding a smile of satisfaction, Hsi Pa Chin, a member of after him, for he returns to the palace. While it was passing a rope round the neck of the animal so you can get behind him, the prince mounted his horse and took the way back with the rest of his escort.
few hours later the prince sent for Chin Hsi Pa to ask how was the fawn and in which part of the park he had made.
The courtier bowed three times face against the ground and, without looking up, replied:
- That His Highness wants to be forgiven his poor servant. I let the deer escape!
- How is this possible?
- The doe followed us, and despite the danger, she came to lick her calf. I have not had the heart to separate them and I released the fawn.
Prince banged his fist against the armrest of his seat and, beside himself, cried
- You've disobeyed my orders! What insolence! You are banished from my kingdom. Get out immediately!
Three months later, the prince had returned from exile Chin Hsi Pa appointed him tutor.
A jealous courtier who was surprised that he rewards and impertinent to him brazenly disobeyed, the prince replied:
- If he felt compassion for a fawn, he surely will experience for my son. And this noble sentiment is not he the most valuable to send? Moreover, the venerable Lao Tzu did he not say be wise is to know the men, being human is to love them ... ?
- broadcast for the first time on the site of "
The cozy little world of HC
" - May 12, 2009
by Yeiazel
The price of compassion
Mong Souen The prince was out hunting with some courtiers. They traquèrent a doe with her fawn. The hunters would catch up when at the last moment, their mother escaped by jumping over a muddy creek, and she bolted into the bushes. Her little hesitated to follow. The prince, impetuous, sprang like a tiger on the fawn and managed to capture him. He confided, not without hiding a smile of satisfaction, Hsi Pa Chin, a member of after him, for he returns to the palace. While it was passing a rope round the neck of the animal so you can get behind him, the prince mounted his horse and took the way back with the rest of his escort.
few hours later the prince sent for Chin Hsi Pa to ask how was the fawn and in which part of the park he had made.
The courtier bowed three times face against the ground and, without looking up, replied:
- That His Highness wants to be forgiven his poor servant. I let the deer escape!
- How is this possible?
- The doe followed us, and despite the danger, she came to lick her calf. I have not had the heart to separate them and I released the fawn.
Prince banged his fist against the armrest of his seat and, beside himself, cried
- You've disobeyed my orders! What insolence! You are banished from my kingdom. Get out immediately!
Three months later, the prince had returned from exile Chin Hsi Pa appointed him tutor.
A jealous courtier who was surprised that he rewards and impertinent to him brazenly disobeyed, the prince replied:
- If he felt compassion for a fawn, he surely will experience for my son. And this noble sentiment is not he the most valuable to send? Moreover, the venerable Lao Tzu did he not say
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Pokemon Blue Online Free With Save
Memoirs of a Geisha
Taoism and Zen by Yeiazel
Would you be Emperor?
In that time, Heian Kyo, which means "capital of peace and tranquility," was an enchanting place, where his Majesty the Emperor. Nobles dressed in red tunics cherry, purple pants, noble ladies in stunning clothes, the colors ever new, competing in games of love and mind games. The lavish parties succeeded each other at random palaces, villas, decorated with beautiful statues. The musicians accompanied by the lake of Eight Virtues lovers of moonlight. The temples were built of precious wood, adorned with mother of pearl inlaid with precious stones, and ritual ceremonies gave rise to unparalleled splendor throughout the empire.
Emperor Saga was an elderly man, a little tired of these perpetual celebration. A secret sorrow gnawing on. He had no son. Often he was absent from the court, and he went with a few discrete and faithful servants in a hermit, a Zen monk. He lived not far from the capital, in a simple hut made of branches, near a pagoda in ruins. Sitting on a tree trunk, watching the saga monk praying, meditating, chopping wood, ax and sparkle to the rhythm of his shots in the sun.
I watch you live for several years, Ryoben, you're active, energetic, generous and wise. I grow old, I have no son. Do you want me to succeed, will you be emperor ?
"I watch you live for several years, Ryoben, you're active, energetic, generous and wise. I grow old, I have no son. Do you want me to succeed, will you be emperor ?
Imagine Ryoben, pleasures, wealth, absolute power, the power of life and death over everything that breathes in this country. You could be building here a palace or a temple a hundred pagodas make known the Zen, extend its influence. Are not you tempted?
Ryoben Then laid his ax, put order into his clothes, saying
I'll go to the river and wash my dirty ears with your words .
He went to the river where he met a peasant who often came to drink her cow.
Yes, my ears have been soiled by the words of the emperor. He asked me to succeed him and ascended the throne.
"Yes, my ears have been soiled by the words of the emperor. He asked me to succeed him and ascended the throne.
I understand that you wash! "said the farmer" and under these conditions, I will not let my cow drink this dirty water .
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